
Trading Hours

Trading Hours

Forex trading is generally available for 24 hours/5 days a week. Depending on the time zones, market opens at 1PM in New York (GMT), 10PM in Sidney, 00AM in Tokyo, 8AM in London, etc.: subject to changes in the local Daylight Savings rules.

Each Country Forex Trading Open and Close Time

Open Time Close Time Daily Break
(Maintenance Time)
Forex 17:05 Sun 17:00 Fri 17:00~17:05 All times New York(EDT) Time​Applies ​the ​Daylight Savings Time system of US
UK 22:05 Sunday 22:00 Friday 22:00 - 22:05 -
China 05:05 Monday 05:00 Saturday 05:00 - 05:05 -
Japan 06:05 Monday 06:00 Saturday 06:00 - 06:05 -
MENA.. 17:05 Sunday 17:00 Friday 17:00 - 17:00 -
03:00 Mon 17:00 Fri 17:00~03:00 03:00 ~ 17:00 Daily. All times New York(EDT) Time​Applies ​the ​Daylight Savings Time system of US

* All times New York (EDT) time applies the Daylight Saving Time system of US.